
it's hanging above you

that's right, kiddies.

i shot/edited/posted a video to youtube today that highlights what's on my musical radar 'cos i didn't have anything better to do. actually, that's a lie, i have about a million and five things that i gotta do that probably should take precedence over making a shitty youtube vid, but i didn't really feel like doing any of them. plus, i'm pretty sure the only people that care about what i'm listening to are me and my mom, and she's just doing it to be nice. thanks, ma.

this (obviously) wasn't scripted; i ran back and forth to my cd towers and started pulling things out, and this was the result. it's a lil' choppy at some points and i forget what i'm saying towards the end, but you get the idea.

rock 'n' roll!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't express in mere words how much I love your cat. He can sit on my back any day.
