lots of changes in the past couple of months. i dropped the ball and, once again, didn't update like i said i would. oh, me! i promise to do better next time. really.
i'll keep this short, since it's 8pm on a sunday night, and i'm in Prague. as in, Prague, Czech Republic. that's right. so why would i want to be stuck on a computer typing a pointless music blog i've barely managed to keep alive for the past 4 years? yeah, that's a true fact. four years of stuck in the metal... go figure.
anyway, since i am here experiencing the amazing magical wonders of eastern europe... falling in love, eating weird food (corn on pizza? cucumber salad? don't knock it until you've tried it. it's great. really), exploring caves, touring the finest dive bars and punk music venues that the czech republic has to offer... i've also had the chance to check out some rad music from across the sea i probably wouldn't have heard otherwise... music like this awesome fuzzed-out indie rock band SAADE. they are a killer two piece (drums/guitar) that just released their first full length debut "You Are Coming Home" earlier this summer while touring the US in support of BORIS.
check out the only song i can find of their's on youtube:
"Coming Home from the Czech Republic based rock band SAADE's first full length album release "You Are Coming Home." A dirty, blues-based indie garage rock band with as many riffs planted in metal as pop-rock influenced hooks, their debut album is an aural journey into the depths of the heart and the perils of the mind."
good, huh?
click here to download the album:
and, if you get a chance, you should also grab their demo EP (released only on cassette tape - how cool is that?!) produced by the legendary Boris drummer Atsuo. check that out here:
SAADE on myspace
until next time... sbohem!
dark side of the moon
file under:
new update,
you are coming home
no direction home
it's been a while since i've posted here, and in the two years that have passed, some major changes have occurred. to be completely honest, i was tempted to start a new blog altogether, but for lack of a better name and because i still hold a special place in my heart for my ideas and what i was doing on here, i've decided instead to revamp and redesign the old stuck in the metal into something new.
this will still be a music blog, and it will still be me, lyndxe, posting on here. this time around, though, i will be expanding into some other areas, cataloging my adventures and keeping things a bit more up to date with what's going on in my world. this blog was starting to sound a little too much like buddyhead anyway, and let's face it, there really only needs to be one buddyhead.com.
july 24th marks the beginning of a month-long tour for me across the US + Canada, with the genre-hopping japanese experimental band Boris. i'm really stoked!! i will be posting my adventures on here, since i am sure a month with these H.M.A.'s (Heavy Metal Addicts) will keep me firmly stuck in the metal.
BORIS' "Statement" from the album "Smile" (available on SouthernLord.com)
check out info on the new Boris collaboration with Ian Astbury (of the cult/doors fame!!) along with a list of the 2010 summer tour dates by clicking here.
see you all soon! xo)))
this will still be a music blog, and it will still be me, lyndxe, posting on here. this time around, though, i will be expanding into some other areas, cataloging my adventures and keeping things a bit more up to date with what's going on in my world. this blog was starting to sound a little too much like buddyhead anyway, and let's face it, there really only needs to be one buddyhead.com.
july 24th marks the beginning of a month-long tour for me across the US + Canada, with the genre-hopping japanese experimental band Boris. i'm really stoked!! i will be posting my adventures on here, since i am sure a month with these H.M.A.'s (Heavy Metal Addicts) will keep me firmly stuck in the metal.
BORIS' "Statement" from the album "Smile" (available on SouthernLord.com)
check out info on the new Boris collaboration with Ian Astbury (of the cult/doors fame!!) along with a list of the 2010 summer tour dates by clicking here.
see you all soon! xo)))
file under:
ian astbury,
new update,
southern lord,
stuck in the metal
i'm feelin' supersonic
as most of you know (since i already txted the six of you that read this shit, anyway), i got to meet NOEL GALLAGHER yesterday when homeboy stopped in at amoeba. we got to interview him on camera about what he was buying. yeah, he introduced himself as the bass player for coldplay ("obviously"). yeah, he said T-Rex was "prolly shite." yeah, it was kinda one of the coolest things ever.
yeah, you'll get to see the "interview" on amoeba.com soon.
IN THE MEAN TIME... i'm gonna FINALLY see oasis for the first time TOMORROW at the staples center. FUCK YES! who's going? don't lie. you know you love it. HELLO! YOU GOTTA ROLL WITH IT!
i have to find someone who wants to get "liam" to match the "noel" i'm gonna get tatted in huge old english lettering style on my stomach before the show. just kidding (maybe not). in any case, this is gonna be a party you can't stop. who would WANT it to? noel is ALWAYS cooking on a solid 8.5 out of 10. he even says so himself: click here to read.
and finally, 'cos i think this story is funny and i really want to make the most of this pointless blog: my neighbors got super bummed 'cos i was blasting oasis "too loud, too late" last night. um, it's hollywood and it's fucking OASIS. are you old or something? IT'S JUST ROCK 'N' ROLL!
yeah, you'll get to see the "interview" on amoeba.com soon.
IN THE MEAN TIME... i'm gonna FINALLY see oasis for the first time TOMORROW at the staples center. FUCK YES! who's going? don't lie. you know you love it. HELLO! YOU GOTTA ROLL WITH IT!
i have to find someone who wants to get "liam" to match the "noel" i'm gonna get tatted in huge old english lettering style on my stomach before the show. just kidding (maybe not). in any case, this is gonna be a party you can't stop. who would WANT it to? noel is ALWAYS cooking on a solid 8.5 out of 10. he even says so himself: click here to read.
and finally, 'cos i think this story is funny and i really want to make the most of this pointless blog: my neighbors got super bummed 'cos i was blasting oasis "too loud, too late" last night. um, it's hollywood and it's fucking OASIS. are you old or something? IT'S JUST ROCK 'N' ROLL!
i'll tell you anything, baby 'cept the truth
it's no secret a swiped my blog name from the eagles of death metal cover of the stealers wheel song "stuck in the middle." i was supposed to interview the dream boys themselves a couple of days ago for a bitchin' article i was gonna write... but boots electric was a no-show/call. i get it, they're on tour. things get weird. but i can bet it probably wasn't 'cos he was sleeping in. i mean, sometimes it's tricky keeping everything in your life straight, especially when your little black book probably looks a little something like this:
1. baby girl #1
2. baby girl #2
3. baby girl #3
4. baby girl #4
5. friend of baby girl #3
6. baby girl at amoeba
7. baby girl at big wangs
8. blonde baby girl
9. goth baby girl
10. tatted up baby girl
11. boy baby girl
12. baby girl on the corner of santa monica & la brea
13. old baby girl
14. baby baby girl
15. baby girl with an english accent
16. baby girl in chicago
17. baby riot grrrl
18. alabama backwoods baby girl
19. baby girl baby momma
20. baby duck
somewhere on that list is probably "baby girl that i'm supposed to do an interview with on 11/11 at 9am" but maybe my number was cross-filed under a different baby girl. oh well. shit happens. i'm supposed to do an interview with "the devil" and his cohorts (for real) sometime in the near future, so if you've got any ideas for good questions you think i should sling his way, e-mail me.
one of those dudes from buddyhead told me to ask jesse hughes about the buddyhead podcast... which just made me wonder, "uh, what podcast?" is that just gonna be a couple of burnouts and their fair-weather friends spinning tracks and shooting the shit about ol' dirty bastard, creedence clearwater revival, and the verve? couldn't ya just go to one of those fifty nights that those dudes are djing instead? prove me wrong, boys, and make that shit worth it! bring the good stuff back. i know i'm not alone when i say we miss the good ol' days when you used to "go OFF" (and not be lame about it). do it!
at least rivers cuomo is still rad, even if the last few weezer albums have been little more than weird experiments in the field of how popular can we sound while still looking like total dweebs? market. regardless, there were some choice cuts on his last solo release alone: the home recordings of rivers cuomo, and i'm hoping to find at least a few gems on his follow-up that's due out on november 25th (same day as GnR's chinese democracy, dudes!). if nothing else, everyone needs to own this album for the cover art:

fuck yes. and i thought my haircut was ridiculous.
seeing as how it's almost time for the impending release of the loooooong awaited "chinese democracy" (even though everyone who's anyone has heard it already), i figured i'd take the opportunity to correct a few douchers who don't know that when you abbreviate "guns n' roses" it's GnR not GAR. they are not "guns and roses" anymore than "rock 'n' roll" is "rock and roll." besides, GAR is too fucking close to that shit/piss/hair metal band "GWAR." let's not taint the genius that is "appetite for destruction" with thoughts of old dudes wearing masks and spewing shit into an audience of blind sheep who paid wayyyyy too much because they can't/won't/don't admit that it's OVER. wait. fuck. which band was i referring to again?
most people who know me know that i'm a little... weird. i'm a social retard half the time, and stoned as fuck the rest. comes from a rebellion towards a weird religious upbringing and getting beat up a LOT in my younger days. but if there's one thing that will always get me outta my shell, it's dylan (if you've been here before, you already know this). my buddy lionel recently attended a show of his up in victoria, bc on october 23rd, and since i spent my last dylan experience in santa barbara tripping balls on mushrooms and puking on the dude in front of me (which if you're reading this, i'm sorry, man, but that shit was INTENSE), i thought a real dylan show review was warranted. especially since this one seemed like such a unique experience. it offers a real insight on just how much this man is still capable of:
"Show was incredible. His keyboard wasn't working so he sang Man In The Long Black Coat center stage, just Bob and his harmonica. Later, when the keybord wasn't working again, he picked up a guitar and played Just Like A Woman. He spent about two minutes fiddling around aimlessly on the guitar before he found the song. It was terrible, or should have been, but I was in awe of it. Only he could pull that off. He's completely peerless.
The entire thing was miles above and beyond even my raised expectations. When other artists of his age and stature play their "timeless hits", it's entertaining but there's something false about it. Dylan tosses any nostalgic bullshit aside and re-invents the songs from the ground up. He's singing them how he fucking FEELS like singing them. Like he's singing them for the first time.
Bob is at his best whenever he's doing what he wants. The only low-points in his career have been times he's compromised or let other people take control of his music. As long as he's doing whatever he damn well feels like, it clicks. And it did last night."
awesome, lionel. i'd be lying if i said i wasn't jealous. wish i could've been there for that one.
for as much as i love dylan, i also have a soft spot for neil young. and since i'm as connected as much as the next neo-folk poseur hipster wannabe, i thought i'd link to an article i read recently about dylan visiting the canadian songwriter's home in winnipeg. click here to read.
does anyone know anything about the old LA punk band "butt trumpet?" i just picked up a 7" for the single "i left my flannel in seattle" from the album "primitive enema." thing is, that album is way out of print, and yeah, even though i work in the world's largest independent record store, there's a few things we don't see here too often. if you've got a copy of "primitive enema" let me know.
and last but not least, amoeba interviewed my old buddy casey (who most of ya know if ya know me) for this new feature on the site called "what's in my bag" (make sure you check out the mos def one, too) anyway, i took the pictures, and homeboy has some great suggestions if you've got taste, so check it out. i remember when we were teenagers, hanging out in the parking lot at hastings, and i told him about "this amazing band called my bloody valentine." we went inside, and i made him go grab "loveless" and that was that. friends ever since, and we've only tried to kill each other a couple times over the years. rock on, bro! now you're famous!
1. baby girl #1
2. baby girl #2
3. baby girl #3
4. baby girl #4
5. friend of baby girl #3
6. baby girl at amoeba
7. baby girl at big wangs
8. blonde baby girl
9. goth baby girl
10. tatted up baby girl
11. boy baby girl
12. baby girl on the corner of santa monica & la brea
13. old baby girl
14. baby baby girl
15. baby girl with an english accent
16. baby girl in chicago
17. baby riot grrrl
18. alabama backwoods baby girl
19. baby girl baby momma
20. baby duck
somewhere on that list is probably "baby girl that i'm supposed to do an interview with on 11/11 at 9am" but maybe my number was cross-filed under a different baby girl. oh well. shit happens. i'm supposed to do an interview with "the devil" and his cohorts (for real) sometime in the near future, so if you've got any ideas for good questions you think i should sling his way, e-mail me.
one of those dudes from buddyhead told me to ask jesse hughes about the buddyhead podcast... which just made me wonder, "uh, what podcast?" is that just gonna be a couple of burnouts and their fair-weather friends spinning tracks and shooting the shit about ol' dirty bastard, creedence clearwater revival, and the verve? couldn't ya just go to one of those fifty nights that those dudes are djing instead? prove me wrong, boys, and make that shit worth it! bring the good stuff back. i know i'm not alone when i say we miss the good ol' days when you used to "go OFF" (and not be lame about it). do it!
at least rivers cuomo is still rad, even if the last few weezer albums have been little more than weird experiments in the field of how popular can we sound while still looking like total dweebs? market. regardless, there were some choice cuts on his last solo release alone: the home recordings of rivers cuomo, and i'm hoping to find at least a few gems on his follow-up that's due out on november 25th (same day as GnR's chinese democracy, dudes!). if nothing else, everyone needs to own this album for the cover art:
fuck yes. and i thought my haircut was ridiculous.
seeing as how it's almost time for the impending release of the loooooong awaited "chinese democracy" (even though everyone who's anyone has heard it already), i figured i'd take the opportunity to correct a few douchers who don't know that when you abbreviate "guns n' roses" it's GnR not GAR. they are not "guns and roses" anymore than "rock 'n' roll" is "rock and roll." besides, GAR is too fucking close to that shit/piss/hair metal band "GWAR." let's not taint the genius that is "appetite for destruction" with thoughts of old dudes wearing masks and spewing shit into an audience of blind sheep who paid wayyyyy too much because they can't/won't/don't admit that it's OVER. wait. fuck. which band was i referring to again?
most people who know me know that i'm a little... weird. i'm a social retard half the time, and stoned as fuck the rest. comes from a rebellion towards a weird religious upbringing and getting beat up a LOT in my younger days. but if there's one thing that will always get me outta my shell, it's dylan (if you've been here before, you already know this). my buddy lionel recently attended a show of his up in victoria, bc on october 23rd, and since i spent my last dylan experience in santa barbara tripping balls on mushrooms and puking on the dude in front of me (which if you're reading this, i'm sorry, man, but that shit was INTENSE), i thought a real dylan show review was warranted. especially since this one seemed like such a unique experience. it offers a real insight on just how much this man is still capable of:
"Show was incredible. His keyboard wasn't working so he sang Man In The Long Black Coat center stage, just Bob and his harmonica. Later, when the keybord wasn't working again, he picked up a guitar and played Just Like A Woman. He spent about two minutes fiddling around aimlessly on the guitar before he found the song. It was terrible, or should have been, but I was in awe of it. Only he could pull that off. He's completely peerless.
The entire thing was miles above and beyond even my raised expectations. When other artists of his age and stature play their "timeless hits", it's entertaining but there's something false about it. Dylan tosses any nostalgic bullshit aside and re-invents the songs from the ground up. He's singing them how he fucking FEELS like singing them. Like he's singing them for the first time.
Bob is at his best whenever he's doing what he wants. The only low-points in his career have been times he's compromised or let other people take control of his music. As long as he's doing whatever he damn well feels like, it clicks. And it did last night."
awesome, lionel. i'd be lying if i said i wasn't jealous. wish i could've been there for that one.
for as much as i love dylan, i also have a soft spot for neil young. and since i'm as connected as much as the next neo-folk poseur hipster wannabe, i thought i'd link to an article i read recently about dylan visiting the canadian songwriter's home in winnipeg. click here to read.
does anyone know anything about the old LA punk band "butt trumpet?" i just picked up a 7" for the single "i left my flannel in seattle" from the album "primitive enema." thing is, that album is way out of print, and yeah, even though i work in the world's largest independent record store, there's a few things we don't see here too often. if you've got a copy of "primitive enema" let me know.
and last but not least, amoeba interviewed my old buddy casey (who most of ya know if ya know me) for this new feature on the site called "what's in my bag" (make sure you check out the mos def one, too) anyway, i took the pictures, and homeboy has some great suggestions if you've got taste, so check it out. i remember when we were teenagers, hanging out in the parking lot at hastings, and i told him about "this amazing band called my bloody valentine." we went inside, and i made him go grab "loveless" and that was that. friends ever since, and we've only tried to kill each other a couple times over the years. rock on, bro! now you're famous!
file under:
baby girl,
bob dylan,
butt trumpet,
eagles of death metal,
guns n' roses,
neil young,
rivers cuomo,
rock 'n' roll,
darlin' don't you go and cut your hair
my week, in pictures.
listened to some stuff:

cut my hair:

ate a ton of spaghetti:

found the best thing ever:

fuck yeah, rock on.
listened to some stuff:
cut my hair:
ate a ton of spaghetti:
found the best thing ever:
fuck yeah, rock on.
file under:
dancin' grannies,
lame update,
photo blog,
i'm the freak that's on display
i decided to put my cat iggy up on youtube. he's the one who made a cameo in the last "stuck in the metal" video blog entry i posted. he's weird, funny, and i love his ugly little face. plus, he knows what's up better than most people out there. see for yourself:
woooo! rock 'n' roll!
yeah, i know, i need to get out more...
woooo! rock 'n' roll!
yeah, i know, i need to get out more...
creed SHREDS!!
seriously. watch for yourself:
thanks to pia for sending this one to me. i've added it to my never-ending supply of scott stapp and creed vids i keep stashed under my bed. including the one where he's wasted and talking about how "babies come from his sack" (a personal fav):
maybe i shouldn't be so harsh. after all, scott stapp is a poster boy for "rock" music and christianity. kids should really follow his "righteous" example by putting their belief in hookers, blow, shitty music and oh, yeah, jesus, too. see what i mean? this dude has managed to reach "the top" despite spraying hypocritical bullshit from his ass and turning every musical endeavor he takes on into a fucking joke. plus, his "unique" singing voice makes him sound like he's juggling fat, hairy nutsacks around in his mouth while getting rammed in the doodie hole by the lead singer of nickelback. i mean c'mon, what's not to love?
thanks to pia for sending this one to me. i've added it to my never-ending supply of scott stapp and creed vids i keep stashed under my bed. including the one where he's wasted and talking about how "babies come from his sack" (a personal fav):
maybe i shouldn't be so harsh. after all, scott stapp is a poster boy for "rock" music and christianity. kids should really follow his "righteous" example by putting their belief in hookers, blow, shitty music and oh, yeah, jesus, too. see what i mean? this dude has managed to reach "the top" despite spraying hypocritical bullshit from his ass and turning every musical endeavor he takes on into a fucking joke. plus, his "unique" singing voice makes him sound like he's juggling fat, hairy nutsacks around in his mouth while getting rammed in the doodie hole by the lead singer of nickelback. i mean c'mon, what's not to love?
touch me i'm sick
in honor of halloween, i wanted to post possibly one of the best music videos in existence for any holiday, ever. warning: it is amazing.
and if you haven't heard about it already, the little radio in downtown LA is hosting a halloween party THIS halloween. autolux and the henry clay people are set to play, which should be rad in the face. it'll set you back 24 bucks, but there's a free open bar all night. YEAH! you'd spend that much on just two drinks at some lame scenester spot like cinespace anyway, PLUS you'll be getting tons of rad music... and did i mention the free open bar? shit yeah! i think i did, but it's worth mentioning again. you can get yr tickets by clicking here.
and if you haven't heard about it already, the little radio in downtown LA is hosting a halloween party THIS halloween. autolux and the henry clay people are set to play, which should be rad in the face. it'll set you back 24 bucks, but there's a free open bar all night. YEAH! you'd spend that much on just two drinks at some lame scenester spot like cinespace anyway, PLUS you'll be getting tons of rad music... and did i mention the free open bar? shit yeah! i think i did, but it's worth mentioning again. you can get yr tickets by clicking here.
file under:
henry clay people,
little radio,
tim curry
Album Review: Oasis Digs Out Your Soul

Oasis have returned from the vacuous depths of rock ‘n’ roll, overcoming sibling rivalry and wildly ostentatious lifestyles to release their seventh studio album, “Dig Out Your Soul.”
The record instantly hypnotizes the listener with it’s own take on the Beatles-laden psychedelia sound, while simultaneously planting it’s stamp on the ever familiar brit pop genre. Reminiscent of their earlier work, “Dig Out Your Soul” is an album that reaches heights that one wouldn’t expect from a band that’s been in the game this long.
Staying true to their precious form, “Dig Out Your Soul” can almost instantaneously be labeled a classic. The real truths give way to swaggering rock songs, touched with a smattering of bombast that true fans have come to rely on. The first track on the album, “Bag It Up” pulls the listener in immediately; the lilting melody passionately vying for your attention.
Reflecting an inner peace for the Gallagher brothers - without losing any of the braggadocio that made their music (and personal lives) so entertaining, the polished music is still laced with sounds of nature and every day life, eliciting memories of 1995’s "(What’s The Story) Morning Glory?" However, unlike previous albums, Noel carries the reigns on the majority of songs. Liam takes over on vocal duties for only three of the eleven tracks that comprise their latest release, including the first single “The Shock of Lightning.”
What’s unique in this album over previous work is the focus and attention on more of a riff based songwriting style. An array of musical authors gives their sound a new perspective, while still managing to maintain the classic rock ‘n’ roll hallmarks that the brothers have always brought to their music. Songs like “The Turning” and “To Be Where There’s Life” channel psyche-influenced Beatles tunes, not unlike those found on “The Magical Mystery Tour.”
The boys have managed to firmly cement themselves in the vast world of rock ‘n’ roll by striking a balance; effortlessly maintaining their unique sound, while still keeping a watchful eye on a fickle industry. On the whole, the album is a more mature Oasis, one that’s been through the worst and made the best of it. The attitude remains the same, but the songs don’t. For instance, “(Get Off Your) High Horse Lady” sounds like John Lennon got together with Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds and wrote a ballad specifically with the intention of having Oasis play it. Not exactly a tune you would expect to hear on their earlier releases.
Salty sweet lyrics, playful bass lines, swooshing guitars, and catchy hooks make it easy to slip inside the eye of your mind and get lost for 45 minutes in your own private oasis. From start to finish, the stalwart brit-pop kings have done it once again by doing what they do best: making music to “Dig Out Your Soul.”
Oasis will be playing the Staples center with Ryan Adams and the Cardinals on Thursday, December 4th.
that's your boyfriend
that's your boyfriend. because it is.
have you ever seen some dude walking on the street with a HOT naked lady that's bending over tatted all up on his arm? he's toothless, homeless, and probably dickless. he's got an old cup from jack in the box that's full of dog shit and used condoms. dude. that's your boyfriend (ak/a tyb). don't you remember? we'll post a picture of him up on our new (old) blog, so don't worry. you'll remember when ya see him.
this was a weird photo/video blog i started ages ago, and completely forgot about. that's kinda how my life goes. i just can't seem to shake some shit, and before i know it, there's something i forgot about that's on my radar again and back in my life. so (for now, anyway) it's baaaaack. kinda like fire and ice. i'm into it. i've got ADD; it helps keep things interesting. and this time i have a new friend to help me with it, so it's gonna get some much needed attention.
and for the dudes: don't worry, we'll be sure to post hot-ass babes up, too. tits, man. tits.
bookmark it!
and if you feel like reading some of my *actual* writing that isn't about dylan, touching dicks or ugly people, you can check out my beatcrave articles.
have you ever seen some dude walking on the street with a HOT naked lady that's bending over tatted all up on his arm? he's toothless, homeless, and probably dickless. he's got an old cup from jack in the box that's full of dog shit and used condoms. dude. that's your boyfriend (ak/a tyb). don't you remember? we'll post a picture of him up on our new (old) blog, so don't worry. you'll remember when ya see him.
this was a weird photo/video blog i started ages ago, and completely forgot about. that's kinda how my life goes. i just can't seem to shake some shit, and before i know it, there's something i forgot about that's on my radar again and back in my life. so (for now, anyway) it's baaaaack. kinda like fire and ice. i'm into it. i've got ADD; it helps keep things interesting. and this time i have a new friend to help me with it, so it's gonna get some much needed attention.
and for the dudes: don't worry, we'll be sure to post hot-ass babes up, too. tits, man. tits.
bookmark it!
and if you feel like reading some of my *actual* writing that isn't about dylan, touching dicks or ugly people, you can check out my beatcrave articles.
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